Tree Stewarding
Reforesting Cleveland
Cleveland, known for a long time as the Forest City, has seen a decline in canopy density for decades. In 2017, the tree canopy was down to an average of 18% with areas downtown as low as 4%. Trees are important for a lot of reasons and it’s important that we work to reforest Cleveland. I joined the Sherwick Tree Steward program through the Western Reserve Land Conservancy in Spring 2024 to help reforest Cleveland and have helped plant hundreds of trees since then.
Below is a documentation of some of the trees I’ve helped plant in the community
Case Advancement Fellows
CAF was started in 2021 which aims to provide mentorship, professional development and networking opportunities to outstanding PhD students who contribute to the culture and diversity within Case Western Reserve University. I have been a fellow since 2022 and am assuming an executive director position within the organization coming this 2025-2026 academic year.